13 October 2017 | 16:04
The "Support a Dream" initiative is aimed at young people placed in residential and foster care social services. In grades 11 and 12 in secondary school, they receive support and guidance for their personal development through education or work.
Young people are stimulated and encouraged in their decision to continue their studies at a university or vocational college, as well as receiving advice on choosing a suitable major. They also become familiar with the opportunities for joining the labour market through specific job offers.
To support the motivation to learn, the President's Administration provides one-off grants to young people from the initiative who have been admitted to study at a university or college. Twelfth graders who are placed in social services also receive financial aid for excellent grades. The funds for the grants for university students and seniors are raised during the donation campaign that the presidential administration organises annually.
Traditionally, as part of the "Support a Dream" initiative, the president and his wife host the graduation ball organised for disadvantaged young people at the end of May.
Partners of the President's Administration for the implementation of the initiative are the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Employment Agency, the Social Assistance Agency, The State Agency for Child Protection, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Organisations, companies and citizens who wish to donate funds to the "Support a Dream" initiative can do so to the bank account of the Presidential Administration:
The bank account of the Presidential Administration is:
IBAN BG 45 BNBG 9661 3000 1909 01
BNB Bank