5 February 2024 | 11:11


Blagoy Deliev was born in 1986 in Velingrad.

In 2005 he graduated from the Vocational School of Economics and Tourism "Aleko Konstantinov" Velingrad. He obtained a Master's degree in Law from Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" in 2010. In 2016 Blagoy Deliev obtained a doctorate in law from the Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences after defending her dissertation on "Constitutional Aspects of the Right to Non-Discrimination. Mechanisms of protection".

In the period 2011-2017 he worked at the Commission for Protection against Discrimination. He holds the position of "Senior Assistant Professor" at the Faculty of Law of Plovdiv University, where he teaches the courses "Constitutional Law", "Legal Regime of Protection from Discrimination", "Fundamental Rights" and "Lawmaking". He is fluent in English.

From 2017 to 2024, he was the Chief Expert to the Secretary for Legal Affairs of the President. By Decree No. 19 of February 1, 2024, Blagoy Deliyev was reappointed as Legal Adviser.