Martin Vechev (2009)
Martin Vechev was born on 24 July 1977 in Sofia. During the period of 1991-1994 he studied at the Sofia School of Mathematics and in 2001 he took a degree in mathematics and information technology at the Simon Fraser University in Canada. In 2007 he defended a doctoral degree at the University of Cambridge, England where he also worked as an assistant professor. Since 2007 he has been working at the IBM research center in New York. His work is related to new formal methods for automatic inference of efficient synchronization in concurrent programs. Results of his work have been used in the next generation of US military ships. He is author of 20 international scientific publications, he has been reviewer at many international conferences and is founder of the first conference on practical methods for the automatic synthesis of concurrent programs. He has won a number of scholarships, patents and awards, including the award granted by the IBM research center for great technical achievements.