Petar Kormushev (2013)
Dr. Petar Kormushev, aged 33 at the time of accepting the award, has a number of scientific achievements in the areas of bio information technologies, semantic web, artificial intelligence and robotics. He has 38 scientific publications in international journals, more than 150 citations and significant contribution in a couple of international scientific projects. His most notable achievements are in the sphere of robotics. He took part in the creation of a new generation of robots in Japan, and as a results companies like Mitsubishi and Toshiba showed interest in his developments. The new methods for the machine learning of robots devised by him were applied on a number of contemporary robots and platforms. Although he has been away from his home country for a number of years, Dr. Kormushev has maintained close professional contacts with Bulgarian scholars, looking after the development of Bulgarian students. In 2012 he took an active role in the organization of an international working seminar on robotics held in Bulgaria.