The John Atanasoff Awards at the Sofia Science Festival 8 -11 May 2014
The President’s administration will be a partner in the fourth edition of the Sofia Science Festival to be held in the period 8 -11 May on the scene of the “Sofia” theater and in the Zaimov park. Some of the most famous Bulgarian and world scholars will bring science “into light” by presenting in the most accessible language the most recent developments in the sphere of genetics, ecology, computer technologies and others.
On 8 May at 4 o’clock p.m. Svetlin Nakov, bearer of the presidential “John Atanasoff” award for 2004 will acquaint the public with “the programmer profession” and his education project “Software university.”
On 11 May at 4.30 p.m. four laureates of the John Atanasoff award in the past years will take part in the concluding event of the “Back to the future” festival. By showing us a small part of their works, the young scholars will open the door to a world which is not well known. Dr. Kormushev and Dr. Ganchev will demonstrate self-learning robots. Dr. Preslav Nakov and Dr. Ivelina Stoyanova will acquaint us with computer linguistics and digital revolution in language. Ivan Dimov, PhD in applied biophysics, will show the festival’s audience technologies which decipher our physiological state from a distance and identify tens of thousands of disease DNA-markers.
If you have questions to ask the participants, you can ask them in Twitter with the hashtags #SofiaSciFest and #back2future.
You can see more information about the Sofia festival of science, as well as its full program, on the website of the British Council in Sofia.