6 October 2014 | 13:01

1 October 2014 | 13:01

At a ceremony held in the coat of arms hall at 2 Dondukov street President Rosen Plevneliev conferred the Stara Planina First Class Medal on Matthias Hoepfner, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Bulgaria (2009 – 2014), and Phillipe Autie, ambassador of the French Republic to Bulgaria (2010-2013). The two ambassadors received the country’s highest honor for their contribution to developing the bilateral relations between their countries and Bulgaria.
1 October 2014 | 12:12

We highly appreciate the cooperation with the Real Madrid Foundation and the club’s corporate social responsibility in Bulgaria, President Rosen Plevneliev said, who held a meeting today at 2 Dondukov street with representatives of the leadership of the football club.
30 September 2014 | 11:11

Never before have there been overlapping crises which the EU has to handle, is the common opinion shared by the presidents of the nine EU member states taking part in the meeting of the Arraiolos group. The Union has to display a humane attitude to those who have reached the common borders in line with the European and global standards.
29 September 2014 | 21:09

Energy efficiency is the basic engine of competitiveness, Rosen Plevneliev said at the debate held on the energy topic within the 10th meeting of the Arraiolos group heads of state in the Portuguese town of Braga. The presidents of Portugal, Germany, Poland, Austria, Finland, Estonia, Hungary and Latvia are also taking part in the meeting.