24 July 2013 | 16:04
The Head of State: the Consultative Council for National Security is not an exercise in political confrontation for the mere sake of it, but a tool to reach agreement and solve crises on the highest political level.

23 July 2013 | 14:02
„I do hope that the Bulgarian politicians, I include myself in this category, will not miss the historical chance and will not fall into disgrace by refusing to reach for the hand the citizens have extended for change.” This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said when launching the European Commission Citizen Dialogue initiative, which will be held today in the Central Military Club in Sofia. The Head of State and Vivian Redding, deputy chief of the EC opened the debate which is part of the dialogues of the EC with the Europeans in the European year of the citizens and ahead of the forthcoming elections for European Parliament in 2014.

22 July 2013 | 15:03
"I welcome this decision which is the result of the joint efforts of the EU member states and the partnership services which ensure the citizens´security. It is also based on the in-depth analysis of a great amount of information about the activity of people related to terrorist activity on the territory of the EU."