28 November 2013 | 19:07

27 November 2013 | 17:05

27 November 2013 | 17:05

President Rosen Plevneliev will put on the institutions’ agenda the issues related to the state of the media environment in Bulgaria. This may happen as early as the beginning of 2014 within the Month of political consultations, traditionally conducted by the Head of State. “A possible consensus on the necessity of securing additional regulation, of the print media for instance, will have a very strong impact,” Rosen Plevneliev commented.
27 November 2013 | 16:04

Whether there should be a media law and how the media should apply the principle of self-regulation in Bulgaria were part of the questions discussed by the participants in the third “Dialogue with the citizens” under the aegis of President Rosen Plevneliev, which is devoted to the topic “What is the future for the Bulgarian media?”
27 November 2013 | 14:02

Journalism which is objective, committed to the public interest and displays a responsible attitude is the basis of democracy, President Rosen Plevneliev said. He opened the third public discussion “Dialogue with the citizens” on the topic “What is the future for the Bulgarian media?” in Sofia. Journalism has a missionary significance for each democratic state. However it can not only be a catalyst of the democratic development, but also perform the opposite role – when the media suffer from vague dependencies, the Head of State said before more than 250 participants in the forum.