20 November 2013 | 20:08
State of the security environment: organizational, functional and resource capacities the state has to counteract the current risks and threats. Measures taken in compliance with the changes in the environment and their financial provision.

20 November 2013 | 18:06
According to President Plevneliev, the main threats to national security are related to the Middle East crisis and migration pressures, inadequate resources of institutions, the risks to energy security and the difficult socio-political situation in the country.

19 November 2013 | 15:03
President Rosen Plevneliev announced that he stands for a common energy strategy for the Danube countries, which will improve energy security by connecting the systems for transfer of energy resources. Diversification of energy sources is a European priority, reminded the President expressing his concern about the risks of a new gas crisis in Bulgaria with regard to trade relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.