29 August 2013 | 18:06
“The use of chemical weapons is inadmissible, it is an inhuman act and a crime against humanity, and the international community has an obligation to respond”, stated today before journalists in Shabla President Rossen Plevneliev in a response to a question about the situation in Syria. “Bulgaria will act according to its obligations in the North Atlantic alliance and the European Union“, confirmed the Head of State.

16 August 2013 | 17:05
Statement made by President Rosen Plevneliev on the occasion of the veto on the State Budget Act for 2013 overridden by Parliament

15 August 2013 | 17:05
A joint Declaration for strategic partnership between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is expected to be signed during the Bulgarian Head of State’s forthcoming visit in the Asian country. This is what became clear during the meeting held between President Rosen Pleveliev and General of the Army Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnamese Minister of National Defense.

15 August 2013 | 17:05
Bulgaria will support every effort put into achieving success in the direct negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel. We are ready to make our contribution, including that within the EU, in support of the Middle East peace process. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said. Today he met Riyad al-Maliki, foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority, at 2 Dondukov street.

15 August 2013 | 14:02
The number of asylum seekers in Bulgaria has considerably increased compared to 2012, Vice-president Margarita Popova, who visited Strazhitsa to commemorate the day of the municipality, said. Margarita Popova told journalists that only in the first six months of the current year the refugee flow to Bulgaria outnumbers the asylum seekers throughout the entire 2012. The asylum seekers were 1380 in 2012, while in the first half of the current year they have reached 1880 people.