A new strategy about Bulgarians abroad is needed, Vice President Margarita Popova says
The attitude of the state towards Bulgarians abroad should be changed and should be underpinned by a new strategy about Bulgarians abroad, Vice President Margarita Popova told the media in Veliko Turnovo.
She said that the basis for working with Bulgarians abroad should lie in their vision for Bulgaria's development and how they could help and promote their country. To this end, it is necessary to support the unfolding of their initiatives and to encourage them to return and work in their country.
"First we must learn more about the Bulgarians abroad, because they are from different generations, have emigrated for different reasons and have been integrated in different ways," Vice President Popova said.
Another major focus of a new strategy should be opening more Bulgarian schools abroad, and we shall devoting a lot of effort to this, the Vice President said.
The Vice President was in Veliko Turnovo to take part in celebrations of the city’s annual day.