Brussels welcomes Bulgaria’s efforts to continue making changes within the framework of the constitutional and democratic procedures
Brussels welcomes the efforts of democratic Bulgaria to transform within the framework of the Constitution and the democratic procedures and laws, President Rosen Plevneliev told journalists in Brussels after he held talks with Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council. A social crisis arose which has escalated into a political one with the resignation of the Borisov cabinet. However, the crisis has already escalated into a parliamentary one, since there is no chance of forming a cabinet, the head of state said.
Rosen Plevneliev recalled that Brussels was closely following the situation in Bulgaria and expressed hope that the ongoing protests will preserve their democratic character. However, the protesters’ demands should be realistic and their approach should be constructive and pragmatic. “If we manage to overcome the crisis in a worthy manner, this will have strong repercussions in Brussels as well,” the president said and added that the question concerning how Bulgaria will change its policies and how the European Commission can help was of key importance. The head of state said that education, innovations and the policy of growth and employment should find their appropriate place in the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework after 2014.
The president emphasized the point that in the coming months Bulgaria will have the chance to be among the first countries to be negotiating a partnership agreement with the EC. Our country has put forward specific requirements in the negotiations with the European Commission. However, given the upcoming early general election, clear priorities should be formulated in the next two months. The caretaker government will also set the direction of the policy of employment, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and reforms in the energy sector. “The European Commission is ready to help and the relevant issue is that we should carefully plan our own priorities,” President Rosen Plevneliev firmly stated in Brussels.