2013-05-28 12:23:00

Rosen Plevneliev: the transition to an energy-efficient economy and society has no alternative

The transition to an economy of energy-efficiency and low carbon emissions has no alternative and we should reconsider the challenges related to the energy sector. This is what Rosen Plevneliev said at a public debate held on the economic and ecological benefits from creating an energy-efficient and a low-carbon emission society in Bulgaria. The Head of State and Connie Hedegaard , European Commissioner for Climate Actions, opened the debate which is part of the common European information campaign launched by the European Commission, titled A World You Like and a Climate You Like.  

If we would like the citizens to receive reasonable electricity bills, energy efficiency has no alternative, the Head of State was adamant before the participants in the forum. The President emphasized that the energy in Bulgaria is the cheapest one in Europe and nonetheless the people took to the streets to stage protests against the soaring electricity bills. In his words, the solution to this problem lies in setting the correct priorities, in securing liberalization and market-based pricing in the energy sector. The Head of State added that our country was about to achieve its aims to secure a 16-percent share of renewable energy sources so as to reduce the greenhouse emissions by 20 percent by 2020.

Rosen Plevneliev recalled that the caretaker government had put on the agenda establishing a single national authority to manage the large-scale program for energy efficiency. “So far work has always been performed in a “piecemeal” fashion.  However, this is a condition that is likely prompt a formal attitude rather than guarantee success,” the President commented.  He added that the changes in the National Energy Strategy had already been prepared, which should secure a streamlined approach among all institutions so that the strategic goals in the energy sector are achieved.

By realizing the priority to ensure an energy-efficient economy and society we can drastically change the living environment in Bulgaria. However, to this effect we need to put in persistent efforts, to establish the right priorities and mechanisms which will produce effective decisions, the Head of State recalled.


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