The State and the Public Are in Debt to Their Army, President Rosen Plevneliev said
On the eve of the Day of the Bulgarian Army President Rosen Plevneliev said that “considerable additional funds” should be allocated to modernizing the Armed Forces and that the budget of the Defense Ministry is extremely insufficient. At the same time the motivation of the servicemen should continue in an objective and non-party affiliated manner, the Head of State said. He awarded epaulettes to the officers from the Bulgarian army who were conferred senior military ranks at a ceremony held at 2 Dondukov street.
“Although Bulgaria’s NATO membership basically guarantees our security, independence and sovereignty, it is not enough,” the President emphasized. He recalled that despite the heightened requirements to the Armed Forces, the defense budget is progressively decreasing as a percent of the GDP. “The state and the public are in debt to their army. Nevertheless, the process of transformation should not be stopped but should be adapted to the realities of the dynamically changing security environment,” Rosen Plevneliev emphasized.
“Modernization and well-prepared staff are two key aspects that guarantee building the necessary defense capabilities and the success of the process of transformation of the Armed Forces,” the President further said. He was adamant that efforts should be successfully pooled to build a modern army with high combat capabilities. The army should guarantee the national security and be compatible with the NATO armies and capable of performing the tasks it is entrusted with in compliance with the strategic documents.
In his address to the senior officers, Rosen Plevneliev said that for ten years since joining NATO, Bulgaria has proved to be a reliable and predictable ally. The foreign partners’ high appraisal of the Bulgarian servicemen, which has been reiterated more than once, shows the Bulgarian officers’ responsibility and competence, the Supreme commander-in-chief said.
The President voiced his gratitude for the faithful service of the current leadership of the Armed Forces and the senior officers which will complete their active service in 2014.