2014-09-10 14:13:00
The President: Kristalina Georgieva’s New Position in the EC is a great success for Bulgaria
The Press Secretariat of the Head of State is authorized to release the following position of President Rosen Plevneliev regarding Kristalina Georgieva’s election for vice-president of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for budget and human resources:
The promotion of Kristalina Georgieva to the position of vice-president of the European Commission and the fact that she has been entrusted with one of the most important and influential portfolios in the Commission – namely the EU budget and human resources, shows that she is highly assessed as a professional and a convinced European.
Kristalina Georgieva has undoubtedly earned a high reputation and recognition worldwide. We are convinced that in her new, much more responsible office, EU Commissioner Georgieva will be extremely useful to united Europe at this difficult moment and the results she will achieve and the work she will do will be highly appreciated in Europe and throughout the world.
Bulgaria has received such a high position in the EC for the first time. This is an enormous success for the country and will contribute to improving the country’s positions on the European stage and to deepening the process of European integration. The fact that Bulgaria will receive the position of vice-president of the EC for the first time proves that Europe is not divided into strong and weak, big and small, old and new member-states.
When Bulgaria nominates a worthy candidate, who possesses the necessary qualities and enjoys international prestige, when the Bulgarian diplomacy performs its tasks in the best possible way, this is highly assessed by our partners and we win the trust of the whole of Europe, including being entrusted with one of the undoubtedly most important portfolios such as the budget.
I hope that the current promotion will make all of us in Bulgaria realize that our pessimism is illusionary and that we should be more ambitious. And whenever we have a really strong nominee, which Kristalina Georgieva undoubtedly is, we should turn our backs to party affiliations and support decisions which are good for our country. Bulgaria’s success has no color and party affiliations and today’s event is undoubtedly a great achievement for our country.
I wish the members of the new European Commission success and I believe they will work to ensure a stronger and united Europe.
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