President Plevneliev before “Bloomberg”: the Policies Pursued in the Past Should Not Determine the Future of the European Countries
Pursuing the policy of “the great powers and the periphery” is extremely dangerous and may provoke a long-lasting destabilization of Ukraine and Europe, President Rosen Plevneliev told Bloomberg. The Head of State emphasized that the policies pursued in the past should not determine the future of the European countries.
“Ukraine is an independent state with its own constitution and institutions. No one else should decide its future,” the President was adamant. Every country in Europe matters today and this is a lesson that Bulgaria learned by joining the EU, Rosen Plevneliev said. Europe can successfully solve its problems only if it is united around the idea that the rule of law is the basic principle its development is built on.
The international community’s solidarity with Ukraine at this difficult moment for the country is extremely important for preserving the country’s independence, the President further pointed out. The Head of State reiterated that Bulgaria is Ukraine’s reliable and respected partner and will never recognize the illegal referendum and the annexation of Crimea.