Rosen Plevneliev: I support all who can in an environmentally sound way make use of the gifts of the Bulgarian mountains
I respect and support the decisions of the Council of Ministers regarding the Forestry Act to bring order and give the regions a chance to use their potential for tourism in all its forms. This, unfortunately, is happening in a situation of insufficient public awareness, and I am convinced that in the coming weeks solutions will be found in Parliament beneficial for Bulgarian regions, and environmental organizations. This was said to journalists by President Rosen Plevnevliev, who on June 16 returned for further consideration amendments to the Forestry Act.
The President said that Bulgaria can benefit from nature in an environmentally friendly way, but this should not happen in a situation where there is a deficit of information. Bansko and Razlog are definite proof that people can have economic prospects, but it is necessary to develop a quality law. “I am in favour of the development of regions and winter destinations in Bulgaria and support all who can in an environmentally sound way to enjoy the gifts of the Bulgarian mountains,” President Plevneliev said.