2014-11-06 18:32:00

President Plevneliev signed a Decree Proposing to the 43rd National Assembly to Elect a Prime Minister

President Rosen Plevneliev signed a decree whereby he proposes to the 43rd National Assembly to vote for Boyko Borisov for prime minister, after the leader of the biggest parliamentary group handed down to the Head of State a successfully completed exploratory mandate for forming a government.  The decree has already been submitted to parliament’s registry office.

President Rosen Plevneliev said that he welcomes the signing of a clear coalition agreement with a specific program declaration. “We are witnesses of how today political leaders demonstrate a new level of political and coalition culture in Bulgaria”, the Head of state said.

The President pointed out that signing a coalition agreement and the declaration for support exposes a higher level of stability and transparency, a nationally responsible approach and a new level of political debate.

The Head of state said that under conditions of an internal and external crisis the country needs to adopt a new nationally-responsible approach, and demonstrate leadership and responsibility.


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