2014-11-18 16:42:00

The Presidents of Bulgaria and Poland: The European Energy Union is among the EU Top Priorities

The European Energy Union will strengthen not only the security of the EU member-states, but also their competitiveness. This was the opinion shared by Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, who held talks in Warsaw today.  The Bulgarian Head of State is on an official visit to the Republic of Poland at President Komorowski’s invitation.
“The diversification and connectivity of the gas-transit systems by building inter-connectors is of key importance for overcoming the dependence on one supplier and guaranteeing energy security,” President Rosen Plevneliev said.  The Head of State emphasized that our country will continue working to ensure the creation of an integrated electricity and gas regional market in Southeastern Europe and for connecting it with the Visegrad Group countries.
The Polish Head of State voiced his gratitude to President Plevneliev for Bulgaria’s support for the EU efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the crisis in Ukraine. Bulgaria’s and Poland’s Heads of State are adamant that the policy of EU sanctions against Russia reflects Europe’s understanding that there is no alternative to observing the norms of international law and the rule of law. 
The two presidents shared the opinion that Bulgaria and Poland should upgrade their relations to strategic partnership. “Our countries share common positions and closely cooperate not only on a bilateral and regional level, but also within the EU, NATO and the UN,” President Plevneliev said. The Head of State recalled the historical links between the two peoples – in 2014 our country marked 570 years since the march of the Polish King Wladislav III in defense of Christianity, who was called by the Bulgarian people Varnenchik. Also a couple of days ago a monument of the Holy Pope John Paul II was opened in Belene.
The excellent cooperation between the two countries in the security and defense sector was highlighted at the meeting. Bulgaria and Poland are working to implement the decisions taken at the NATO summit in Wales. The 2nd 
Mechanized Brigade will be connected with the Multinational Corps in Szczecin within NATO's Readiness Action Plan. The Head of State also highlighted the opportunity for a closer cooperation between the military exercise field in Novo Selo and the Joint Force Training Center in Bydgoszcz.  
Presidents Plevneliev and Komorowski emphasized at the meeting that the process of EU enlargement and the Eastern Partnership are an engine of the reforms in the neighboring countries. The two also shared the opinion that the good-neighborly relations are a prerequisite for a successful integration into the EU.
In recent years the trade between Bulgaria and Poland has increased steadily and in 2013 it exceeded 1.1 billion US$, which is a 23-percent increase. The Bulgarian-Polish Chamber of Commerce was established in 2013, which works for strengthening the relations between the small and medium-sized enterprises in the two countries.  
In President Plevneliev’s opinion, Bulgaria's growing reputation as a regional
supplier of components for the car industry and machine building, and the increased output of electrical engineering and high-tech industry create a favourable environment for larger Polish investments. “In recent years many Polish companies have gained experience and developed the potential to implement investment projects, and Bulgaria is a preferred partner,” 
President Komorowski said. 
At the meeting it became clear that Bulgaria is still a preferred destination for Polish tourists. In 2013, more than 230,000 Poles visited this country.
The two presidents voiced support for strengthening the cooperation in education, science and culture. After the meeting of the two Heads of State, the two countries' Academies of Sciences will sign a protocol on scientific exchange. An active institutional support is provided for Polish studies in Bulgaria and Bulgarian studies in Poland. Currently Bulgarian language and culture are studied at seven Polish universities, and the Polish language is studied at five Bulgarian universities. 
Plevneliev conferred the Order of the Balkan Range with Ribbon on his Polish counterpart. Komorowski conferred the Order of the White Eagle on Plevneliev for his exceptional services rendered to the development of the relations with Poland. 
Within his visit, The Bulgarian President will also meet Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, the Marshal of the Senate Bogdan Borusewicz, and the Marshal of the Sejm Radoslaw Sikorski.  
The President visited the Stock Exchange in Warsaw and briefed Polish business representatives on the opportunities for economic cooperation, investments and tourism in Bulgaria.
Plevneliev will meet members of the Bulgarian community in the Bulgarian Embassy, where an exhibition of Bulgarian paintings will be opened.


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