2022-03-10 10:05:00

Radev: The rescue of Bulgarian Jews during World War II was the result of the moral capital of whole generations

Message of the Head of State on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews

Dear compatriots,

Traditionally, on 10 March, we commemorate the feat of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews and at the same time mourn all the victims of that cruel and dark period.

In 1943, the people of Bulgaria bravely endured one of their greatest historical trials and did what few others in Europe were able or willing to do. The foundation of this rescue lay in the enormous moral capital of whole generations. It was built upon by the awakened conscience of Bulgaria - the Orthodox Church, MPs, political and public leaders, and the majority of ordinary Bulgarians.

Rejecting the convenience of conformity, confronting indifference, our ancestors did not allow the deportation of their Jewish neighbours, classmates and friends. Thus they bequeathed to us a piece of their courage and valour, of their faith in life.

Over the past few days, we have been living with the feeling that the world is at a historic crossroads that could revive the unforgivable errors of the past, sowing the seeds of new injustice and suffering. That is why today the example of our ancestors shines particularly brightly. And it is no coincidence that many Bulgarians, their worthy successors, are opening their hearts, this time for the innocent victims of a fratricidal war.

The story of the miracle created by tiny Bulgaria during Europe's darkest years must be told. Lest we forget that with common efforts, we can rally around the good and give hope where it is most needed.

Let us pay homage to the saviours of the Bulgarian Jews!



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