The President’s Programme Unit drafts weekly, monthly and six-monthly work programmes of the President and the draft programme of the President in the longer term. The unit plans, co-ordinate and organises the participation of the President in events. The activities involved in planning for each event include co-ordination, communication, IT and logistics, coverage and documentation. Planning of the participation in the events by the Vice President is done by the head of the office of Vice President. The planning process is recorded in the database. Organisation of the activities and participation in events by the President are guided by the Head of the Office of the President after consultation with the head of the President’s Programme Unit. Organisation of the activities and participation in events by the Vice President are guided, co-ordinated and agreed by the head of the office of Vice President. The tasks of the administration related to organisation of or participation in an event by the President are laid down by the head of the President’s Programme Unit.