Statement made by President Rosen Plevneliev after the regular meeting of the Consultative Council for National Security
Good afternoon!
I would like to summarize the results from the regular meeting of the Consultative Council for National Security held today.
With regard to item 1 of the agenda, namely “Risks and threats created by the military and political situation in the Middle East”, we discussed two reports on the topic submitted by Foreign Minister Mladenov and Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov. Social and political processes which are of fundamental importance, as well as transformations and changes are under way in the Middle East. The military operations, the escalation of the existing conflicts and the growing political, ethnic and other radicalizations in the region pose serious risks and threats to our country. So far the diplomatic and economic means employed to resolve the existing Middle East conflicts have not been exhausted. Bulgaria should support the international efforts put into stabilizing the region.
The fast settlement of the crisis in Syria is particularly important for the Republic of Bulgaria’s national security. The crisis in Syria is a crucial factor that creates uncertainty and increases migration pressure. The security in the Middle East is directly dependent on the way the conflict between Israel and Palestine is resolved. The crisis can be resolved through direct negotiations between the two sides. Only if the process of democratization is continued and strengthened can long-term stability in the countries of the region be ensured. Bulgaria and the European Union will go on working hard to support the democratic changes in the region.
We have established that the migration pressure is increasing. However, all measures have been taken. They involve different types of measures – organizational, technological and others.
We also heard a report submitted by Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov, who briefed the Consultative Council for National Security members on the progress of the investigation into the terror act committed at the Sarafovo Airport. It should be clear to everyone – the investigating authorities are in charge of providing specific information. Only they can provide details, only they can assess what information on the progress of the investigation can be released.
The Consultative Council for National Security members have been informed. They have been provided classified information. An investigation is under way. It has not been completed yet. Therefore only the competent authorities, including the Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor’s Office, of course, can answer the numerous questions and can decide what information can be provided and when.
Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov noted a real, very serious progress in the investigation. Our assessment is that a serious progress has been made. This progress is highly appreciated both in Bulgaria and abroad. There is strong evidence pointing to this fact. I would again like to repeat that the information is classified. Moreover Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov will make a separate statement on the case.
With regard to item 2, namely “The criminal act of assault on Mr. Ahmed Dogan”, we reached a consensus, we agreed on the following position and a proposal draft for the Consultative Council for National Security members. As for the attempt at Mr. Ahmed Dogan’s life, the Consultative Council for National Security strongly denounces the assault on Mr. Ahmed Dogan as an unacceptable criminal act. The competent state authorities and institutions, working on the case, should not leave any doubt in the public as to the unbiased nature of the findings of the investigation and should do their job quickly and to a high standard.
The Consultative Council for National Security members agreed on the following proposals to the state bodies and institutions.
1. The National Guard Service should streamline its organizational structure, the secondary legislation and administrative acts regulating its activities, the training and continued training of its officials, the operational systems for planning, coordination, interaction and control.
2. The National Guard Service should develop a program for the technical and technological modernization of the security devices and renovation of the premises and facilities, for which the necessary funding should be provided.
The Consultative Council for National Security members will surely be informed in the future about the progress of the decisions made on the aforementioned topics. Now I give the floor to Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov to report the progress made on the investigation of the terror act committed at the Sarafovo Airport.