Rosen Plevneliev calls for full transparency in the election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council
The new composition of the Supreme Judicial Council and the new Prosecutor-General will have strong legitimacy only if the procedures for appointing them are fully transparent, President Rosen Plevneliev told journalists after the formal swearing-in ceremony of Judge Keti Markova, the new nominee of the Head of State to the Constitutional Court of the Republic. “This means knowing sufficiently in advance who the candidates who, who nominated them and for what reasons, with which high-profile cases they have dealt and which decisions they have taken,” the President said.
President Plevneliev cited the nomination of Judge Markova to the Constitutional Court as an example of a transparent procedure. The reasons for Judge Markova’s nomination were stated publicly and she had the support of NGOs and professional organisations, the President said.