Speech by President Rosen Plevneliev at a memorial ceremony at Central Sofia Synagogue for the victims of the terrorist attack at Bourgas Airport on July 18 2012
Dear mourners and relatives of the victims,
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Dear Excellencies, Ministers, Deputy Ministers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this difficult time, our two peoples mourn together with the families and relatives of victims of the terrorist attack at the airport in Bourgas. We all share the sorrow of bereavement of a Bulgarian and five Israeli civilians. This attack showed us the sinister face of terrorism. The killing of innocent civilians is the most dangerous and cruel crime that cannot, and should not, be justified by any cause. Bulgarian and Israeli institutions are working together and co-operating actively. We have undertaken a firm commitment to find the culprits and accomplices of the terrorist act and to prosecute to the full extent of the law. The fight against terrorism is a common cause of the democratic world. Only together can we prevent such violent hatred and ensure that never again need anyone experience the horror experienced by the relatives in such an unjust and sinister way.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Bulgaria and Israel are strategic partners and great friends. Our two nations repeatedly have shared a common fate in dramatic moments of history and have shown that they can reach out a hand in difficult situations. At this difficult time, our pain extends deeper. The Bulgarian and Israeli people together are overcoming the shock of the attacks. The difficulties make us stronger and more united.
Dear friends,
Here in the heart of Sofia are houses of worship of different religions – the beautiful Synagogue where we are today, the mosque across the street, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches. The long-term peaceful co-existence of different religions and communities in Bulgaria is a great achievement for our people. This heritage is a great responsibility that requires us daily and categorically to assert the values of tolerance, to defend democratic values through dialogue and the peaceful co-existence of different communities. Bulgarian society, which is an integral part of European society, is strongly cohesive and insightful and will overcome the consequences of this sinister attack. It has repeatedly demonstrated that it defies ugly provocation. We strongly defend the principles of democracy and will not allow escalation of terrorism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism or other forms of discrimination and inhumanity.
Dear friends and relatives of the victims,
I express my deepest sympathy for your pain. Great is the pain for you, the people of Israel and Bulgaria, and the entire democratic world. We are with you are at this difficult time. Let us, for the sake of the memory of the dead, not let fear and terror divert us from our common goal - peace and prosperity for our peoples and for humanity.