2014-09-23 20:47:00
Statement of Rosen Plevneliev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria, at the UN Climate Summit 2014
Mr. Secretary General,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year marks the 20th anniversary since the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change entered into force. The time has come for all of us to coordinate our efforts and secure the safety and prosperity of future generations.
Climate change is not an illusion. This year Bulgaria experienced severe unexpected rainfalls. This extreme weather did a lot of damage and took the lives of innocent people.
Bulgaria develops a national 2030 Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. It is based on a sector-by-sector approach and targeted actions in public health, water management, forests, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, transport and energy.
Global issues require a global response. National climate change legislation and action plans must be consistent with actions at international level. Earlier this year we adopted a Bulgarian Climate Change Act. This new law is complemented by the Third National Action Plan on Climate Change for the period 2013-2020. This is a program of action for transition to a low carbon and resource efficient economy. It includes specific measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Bulgaria by over 18.5% by 2020 compared to their 2005 levels. We have already achieved our ambitious target - 20% of energy production to come from renewables. We have declared 1/3 of Bulgaria’s territory as “Natura 2000” special preservation area under the highest in the world European environmental standards.
The energy sector is a key for mitigating climate change as energy security becomes strategically important. Bulgaria starts a national Energy Efficiency Program to reach millions of households and help them refurbish their homes, using modern building materials and technologies to reduce considerably energy consumption.
Our region is blessed with huge clean energy potential, with strong solar and wind resources. In 2012 Bulgaria became the country that installed the most solar power capacity per capita in the world. Bulgaria joined the World Bank’s Statement on putting price on carbon emissions.
National economies must free and liberalize their energy markets and diversify their sources of energy. This is not only a question of welfare, but a question of security. Energy should not be a weapon. It is a good to trade and share. We are facing energy security risks that cannot be solved on a national level. We strongly support the establishment of a European Energy Union and interconnection of networks and infrastructure on regional and global basis.
We have to reduce dependency on single energy suppliers and replace it with an open and competitive market access to energy resources.
Our real energy dependency lies in the way we waste energy. The cheapest energy is the energy you save. We should put energy efficiency very high on our political agenda. Building a low-carbon economy is the foundation of sustainable development. It increases business competitiveness, reduces household spending and creates new jobs.
When it comes to protecting the environment, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources are vital. Bulgaria will contribute to the UN efforts for reaching a collective agreement by 2015 to strengthen resilience in the face of climate change.
Thank you!
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