Position of President Rosen Plevneliev on the consultations with parliamentary political forces to achieve agreement on the wording of the question to be put in the referendum
The referendum is a test for democracy. The first democratic referendum in the history of Bulgaria is very important and it is the duty of politicians is to deal with it very responsibly. This referendum should be held in the interest of citizens. It will set the direction for future referendums – whether as a powerful tool of democracy for the voice of the people to be heard or referendums as a platform for political opposition and political battles.
Once we have collected the necessary votes, a referendum must be held. Whether or not the rules appeal to some, the rules must be respected. Democracy is based on rules and compliance. The question now is not whether, but how to carry out the referendum. From that, what will be the question will determine whether matters will be easier or very difficult for people. It depends on the question whether the referendum will take place quickly and correctly or whether it will be bogged down in legal battles and procedures and people will lose heart.
It is important how the debate will take place in the National Assembly. Parliament must ensure the ability of citizens to make informed choices. In formulating the question, and the question itself, the attitude of the political elite to direct democracy will become apparent. Only when there is a properly formulated question, whatever the results, there will be proof that society has a major role in the political process of democratic Bulgaria. The referendum is appropriate when a clear question has been set that can have a definitive answer - yes or no.
My opinion is that people should be questioned on issues of strategic importance to the nation and not on technical and expert matters on specific cases or projects. The big question now before us is whether the question as set is sufficiently clear and unambiguous to citizens or whether it needs reformulation?
These political consultations are aimed at clarifying the positions of parliamentary political parties on what is the issue in the referendum, in an attempt to agree on the exact wording. According to the Constitution, the law, and my personal beliefs, national referendums must answer on principles and national issues.
This is the question:
"To develop nuclear energy by building new facilities?" YES / NO
This could apply to the Belene site, to Kozloduy or a third place. I do not want to misuse the most powerful weapon of democracy. If today we have a referendum on Belene, tomorrow we could have one of the seventh unit of Kozloduy, South Stream, Nabucco and Hemus highway. Every time we will have a referendum, on every plant, every project. The purpose of a referendum is not to discharge politicians and institutions from responsibility for billions of projects in Bulgaria.
A referendum on a specific investment project has an added danger. The decision puts the country in a very delicate situation of implementing a project at any cost. It certainly is not in the interest of the people.
My position is that, as currently formulated, the question is incorrect. Currently it is: “To develop atomic energy in Bulgaria by building a nuclear power plant at the Belene site?”
For me it is confusing and consists of two separate questions, the answers to which may be contradictory, and it does not exhaust all options. Some may be for the development of nuclear energy, with new facilities in general, but against the Belene project. Others will ask why we condemn Kozloduy nuclear power station to oblivion and bind the development of nuclear energy in Bulgaria in future to Belene nuclear power station. Others will say, why organise a referendum on the Belene project, when the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy Act, in article 45 paragraph 1, explicity says that a decision on a nuclear power plant is taken by the Council of Ministers? What referendum on Belene? The law is clear.
My position is that the question should be reformulated so that the name of the particular project is removed. It should be: “To develop nuclear power through the construction of new facilities?” YES / NO
European practice in many countries shows that a series of similar referendums and public debates have been about the future of nuclear power in general, its impact on the environment and on national security.
Of course, the National Assembly will hold its debate and make a decision. What is most important is to show that we can work according to the rules of democracy and to organize and hold the referendum in a dignified manner.
Thank you!