Statement by President Rosen Plevneliev at the Plenary Session after the Official Signing Ceremony of the Paris Agreement
Mr. Secretary-General,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We made history last year with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the groundbreaking Paris Agreement on Climate Change. These historic achievements prove that nations can come together to overcome global challenges.
We made a decisive step towards a low carbon future and there is no turning back. Clean technologies are now accessible and set to be a major driver of our economies. In the coming years, along with carbon footprint reductions we will see positive transformations in all key sectors – energy, transport, forestry and land use, water and waste, agriculture. We will embrace more responsible means of production in order to preserve the environment and bring progress, jobs and a better future for all.
I am proud that for the last 20 years Bulgaria has been contributing significantly to this global mission. We committed to implementing the First Kyoto Protocol, met our reduction targets in advance and over-achieved them at the end of the commitment period. Bulgaria is among the few countries with its own Climate Change Mitigation Act. This Law is the main instrument for integrating innovative green and climate-resilient solutions in all policies. It is implemented through the Bulgarian Third National Action Plan on Climate Change which is a comprehensive and ambitious country-driven programme of action for our transition to a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy by 2020. We are in the process of preparing a National Adaptation Strategy and an Action Plan for the period up to 2030. In addition, a new Energy Strategy until 2030 is currently being developed to ensure a successful transition to clean technologies.
Bulgaria has a clear roadmap for climate action which is very ambitious. As a member state of the European Union we have committed to the short and long term joint objectives of the Community. We share a legally binding target to cut emissions by at least 40% by 2030. Meeting this objective will put us on track to achieve up to 95% cuts and carbon neutrality. Bulgaria is ready to contribute more and give an example for a successful transition to sustainable economy and low carbon society.
Transforming the energy sector is vital for the success of our climate action. Bulgaria strongly supports the European Energy Union and common energy diversification, liberalization and efficiency policies. Our proactive foreign policy promotes regional cooperation in the energy sector and puts an emphasis on energy efficiency and the use of renewables. We are working together with our neighbours to increase connectivity and the efficiency of the energy networks in order to create a regional energy market.
Energy efficiency, diversification and clean energy are at the top of our domestic climate and energy agenda. In 2012 Bulgaria installed more renewables per capita than any other country in the world. We have even bigger ambitions. We have already exceeded the target of 16% set up for 2020. Today renewables make 21% of our energy mix. We have also launched a huge national energy efficiency programme to improve the quality of life of Bulgarian citizens. I truly believe that the cheapest energy is the saved energy.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development form a solid foundation for concerted action in preventing climate change and preserving the planet for future generations. I am proud to reaffirm Bulgaria’s commitment to achieving these common objectives by signing this historic document today. Now it is up to all of us to take decisive action for its early ratification and implementation.
Thank you!